Title: Serendipity – How unforeseen events can influence your career in beneficial way
Dr. Daniela Chrenko (HdR)
Maître de Conférences
Responsable Master Mention Energie UTBM
Directeur adjointe Femto-ST/Energie en charge des séminaires scientifiques
FISE Energie
A professional career is rarely straight forward, but often influenced by unexpected events. Especially women, which are still underrepresented in STEM, are subject to unforeseen events that can either inhibit or support their career choices. However, those events are not limited to women in STEM but very vast and include among others financial, political, societal, and climatic aspects. The lecture will be about how those events influence a career and how to create serendipity moments for you and your surrounding.
Brief Bio:
Daniela Chrenko obtained her PhD in 2008 on modelling of a diesel driven fuel cell system, she was associate professor at University of Burgundy, France Higher Institute of Automobile and Transport UB ISAT from 2009-2016 and is now associate professor at Technical University of Belfort-Montbéliard, France UTBM and associate director of Femto-ST/Energie research team. Her research interests are sustainable energy system including stationnary and mobile applications including battery systems.